Payment and Registration
Players need to register and pay before the start of the first class or lesson to be confirmed in the class. Please use the REQUEST FORMS on the class pages to submit a request for a class. You are not confirmed in a class until payment is received. Payment details will be included in the email response to the form submission.
JXS Tennis Academy accepts payment by Cash, Check, or Venmo.
Rain out and cancellation policy
There is a 48 hour cancellation policy for lessons.
JXS Tennis always try to hold class. On a day there has been rain or there is a questionable forecast or the courts are wet from the prior hours, Joe will send out an email canceling class 1 hour prior to the start of class.
Classes are scheduled in 3-4 hour blocks of time. So depending on the time of the rain out teaching pros may be dismissed canceling the whole block of time.
Make-up classes will be offered at the end of the session or through entering another class to make up the date.
All make-ups will go through Joe!!